
5 Key Criminal Defense Marketing Tactics for Lawyers

Boost your visibility with these five criminal defense marketing tips. Proven strategies to attract and retain more clients.

According to the National Law Review, 96% of people begin their search for a lawyer on Google. For that reason (and many others), it’s crucial to have a search engine optimization strategy as the foundation of your criminal defense marketing plan. 

Yes, the world of criminal defense marketing can seem overwhelming at first glance, but this article aims to simplify and outline a clear path for that process. After all, if a potential client isn’t aware of your services, you won’t be able to apply your legal expertise to their situation. 

Criminal defense marketing helps bridge that gap while keeping your calendar booked with more leads full of your ideal client type. 

5 Criminal Defense Marketing Tips 

Every criminal defense lawyer hopes for a full calendar of relevant potential clients who could benefit from their specific skills. The key to a thriving legal practice comes in the form of criminal defense marketing, so potential leads know exactly what service you offer, why they should choose you, and how to get in touch. 

Below, we’ll outline five high-level criminal defense marketing tips to serve as a foundation for attracting more potential clients and maintaining a flourishing legal practice. 

1. Launch & Optimize a Professional Website

This one is obvious, but it’s listed first for a reason. If you don’t have a professional and easy-to-use website, then it will be difficult to execute the rest of these criminal defense marketing tips. 

Even if you have a strong and professional social media presence, it makes sense to have a “home base” that effectively communicates your services, qualifications, and how to contact you. 

In short, a website is a must for criminal defense lawyers and firms. 

2. Use Proven Content Marketing Strategies

Now wouldn’t it be nice if your website ranked high on the first page of Google? Especially for high-intent search terms like “What to do when you are arrested” and “best criminal defense lawyer near me”. 

Dedicating sections of your website to information like service pages, testimonials, reviews, and blog of related topics can help build toward that goal. Here are some examples of these content types: 

  • Service Pages: Talks about the services you offer in specific locations such as cities, states, and regions. 
  • Testimonials: The majority of prospects will look at testimonials and reviews before reaching out, so displaying these prominently on your website will create more trust, social proof, and authority. 
  • Case Results: Shows potential clients what types of cases you handle and what results you have gotten for people in a similar position. 
  • About Us: These are more valuable than you might think, as they help you connect on a personal level with prospective clients while showcasing your experience, background, and values. 

3. Level-Up Your Technical SEO

If your website isn’t loading or indexing properly, then it doesn’t matter if you have the best content in the world. Nobody is going to find it or stay on your site long enough to read it! 

Your “online home base” needs to be optimized for mobile users with fast loading times and a proper structure for Google to index and rank your pages.  

4. Perfect the Art of Local SEO 

This tip revolves around strategies to get featured on the local map for criminal defense lawyers in your area, as well as setting up a Google My Business (GMB) account for maximum visibility. 

You want to make sure high-intent traffic is coming to your website, but they also need to be located in your service area. It’s all about finding people at the right time AND in the right place. By targeting local SEO strategies, you can make that happen. 

5. Accelerate Growth With Social Media

Keeping a consistent and professional image across your social media channels can help amplify your website and overall standing. Your social media should reflect your website’s messaging and establish you as an authority in your field. 

There’s a good chance that prospective clients will do a thorough search across all of your online accounts, so staying on brand and positioning yourself as an authority across all channels is very important.  

Your Criminal Defense Marketing Partners 

Implementing these five core criminal defense marketing strategies takes certain expertise as well as a constant, dedicated effort. That’s where a specialized criminal defense marketing firm with SEO experience comes into play. 

PaperBox SEO is a search engine optimization agency with a track record of helping law firms enhance their presence on Google and get more leads in the process. Just look at our case study on Smith & Eulo, who had to hire 10 full-time attorneys to keep up with increased demand. 

We understand the nuances of criminal defense marketing and can boost the visibility (plus authority) of your practice. Our experts have the playbook to get started and the savvy to make adjustments so you can enjoy sustained growth. 

On top of that, we are a bespoke SEO agency, meaning that we can give you personalized attention and tailor-made solutions specific to your needs, goals, and budget. 

Contact Paper Box SEO Today! 

To learn more about our services, you can browse through our pricing packages, check out our reviews, or peruse the Frequently Asked Questions page of our website. 

You can also fill out our online form, give us a call at (202) 455-8265 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

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